As a member of Gamma Omega, Rich Kuegler ’89 has served in several leadership roles. His brothers not only inspired him to hold multiple positions as an undergraduate but also to become a member of the Board of Trustees and vice president of the board.
Q: Why did you decide to join Alpha Tau Omega?
A: During rush, I met some great guys who demonstrated a very close spirit of friendship and
had a common purpose to achieve excellence. I saw in those ATOs a great opportunity to be part of something special with a group of guys who were special. The opportunity to contribute, lead, and work together was unmatched anywhere on campus.
Q: Why did you decide to become a volunteer as an alumnus?
A: It was a chance to give back, to help further the vision of ATO at Penn State. It also offered me a way to say thank you to those alumni who were so important in my development at Penn State and at the chapter (Dann Cornali ’72, Greg “Hawkeye” Pierce ’73, Billy Hughes ’80 — thank you).
Q: Did volunteering help you keep in touch or reconnect with your fraternity brothers?
A: Selfishly, it was a very important reason to be involved. I feel very fortunate to have been given a great opportunity to reconnect with brothers who have been and will always be, great friends.
Q: Why do you feel it is important for all alumni to stay in touch with the chapter?
A: Our Gamma Omega years as undergrads were only the start of our ATO experience. This is a lifelong journey and, whether you are sharing successes or suffering through challenging times, your ATO brothers are there for you. In the words of many famous Gamma Omega alumni, including Chris “Chicken” DeVol ’89, “ATO is for a lifetime.”
Q: What advice would you give to undergraduates or to younger alumni who are early in their careers?
A: Make a conscious decision to get involved and stay involved. If you are able to support Gamma Omega, please do so — the future of our chapter depends on strong leadership. For those not able to return to Penn State and support the chapter, find some way to get involved in your community, church, charity, or other ATO chapters where you can best use your God-given talent to help others.
Rich resides in West Chester, Pennsylvania, and works for Clear Capital, an information services and technology management company. He enjoys playing soccer and coaching his four children. Rich and his wife, Jillian, a Chi Omega, have been married for 24 years. He can be reached at [email protected].