ATO Brother running for PSU Board of Trustees

Mario Pompeo ’91 said his time in the ATO house taught him invaluable leadership skills. “I learned quickly how to work and lead in a dynamic environment, how to appreciate our differences but work together for the common good,” he said.

These leadership skills have landed Mario various jobs in finance and accounting. He currently serves as the Chief Accounting Officer of the NBA and is seeking a seat on the Penn State University Board of Trustees.

Before sitting in C-suite roles, he and his brothers became known for getting a hot tub on the balcony of the ATO house. “My family and I went back for a football game not long ago, and the current brothers still talked about getting that hot tub on the balcony more than 30 years later!” 

Mario fits the bill of the classic Penn Stater. He bleeds blue and white. He says there has always been a connection to the University, from recruiting high school students in New Jersey to Penn State and recruiting Penn Staters to work at both public accounting firms he’s worked for.  Running for the Board of Trustees is another way he can continue to give back to the University.

“I think I can bring a lot to the table on the Board of Trustees. Aside from my love for the University and ATO, my background positions me well to advocate for real change,” he said. “I will have the best interest of incoming students, current students and alumni in mind if I were elected.”

Mario has two big commitments if he lands a seat on the Board. “I have an accounting background, and the Trustees vote on the budget. I will have a watchful eye on the expenses to ensure that the rising education costs add value to the students and are not just administrative costs,” he said.

“Secondly, I am a veteran, and I was a part of the Army ROTC at Penn State, and I want to make sure Penn State is on the list of top schools that support veterans. We aren’t even in the top 150 in the country at this time,” he said.

You can help Mario in the nomination phase of his campaign. “I need 250 nominations to make the ballot,” he explained, “if each of you reaches out to just one or two people in your circles, I will easily have the numbers.”

“Relationships are an essential part of life—the ones I still have from ATO are some of my closest friendships,” he shared. “With my current campaigning efforts, I have been able to reconnect with many of my former classmates and ATO brothers.”

“Even if I am not elected, the opportunity this has given me to reignite relationships and deepen the bond with my ATO brothers, former ROTC comrades and other alumni will have been worth it,” he said.

Nominations are submitted online, and the deadline to submit your nomination ballot is 5:00 p.m. (Eastern), on Saturday, February 25, 2023.

You can request a nomination ballot here:

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